The arrival of spring girls meet in different ways: some spend countless hours in gyms, others - torment themselves with debilitating diets, others - spinning in front of a mirror and complaining about life. None of these methods will not give you a lasting result, and the latter is completely useless. Many would give the girls a lot, just to learn how to remove the stomach for the day. Everyone likes to twist in front of a mirror, this is a woman's nature. We become sideways, pull up the tummy, stretch the neck, straighten the shoulders and - a slender beauty looks at you with a smile! But we can not always simply draw in our belly and not breathe.

It is necessary to struggle with superfluous kgs before,as it is necessary to throw off winter things. But often natural laziness prevails and the presence of small weaknesses, such as cakes, sweets and other delicious. And as you do not want to do something, it's better to watch a movie with chips and Coca-Cola! But as summer comes, we understand that our figures characterize only one word - horror! Girls rush from extreme to extreme. After all, cleaning your stomach for 2 days is easy, but the result is worth it. Do not put off preparing your body for the summer! Start from today!

How to clean the stomach for 1 day

Remove the abdomen with vibro-simulators,vacuum masseurs and the like. - a complete fantasy in the real world. You can achieve a flat tummy in one day only if you combine exercise, diet and dosed rest.

Usually the need to clean the tummy for "today"spring and summer is quite relevant. This is the time of love, dating and dating! Of course, you can turn to the services of a cosmetician - a surgeon who can simply "pump out too much." But who will give a guarantee that he will not return with the same success to his former place? In addition, to maintain the result obtained surgically, you still need to adhere to the diet, and eventually resort to physical exercise. The desired result does not always bring diet and dietary restrictions, it has long been noticed.

Any diet is a shock to the whole body. Fat is simply postponed to the "reserve" after the end of the diet and return to normal nutrition. Do not torment yourself with hunger. It is necessary to exclude fatty and sweet, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. After a while you even feel better. To clean the stomach for a day is quite real, but you do not need to starve. We need physical activity.

To achieve the desired result, you need to achieve the following goals:

    1. Keep the muscles of the press constantly toned.
    2. Maximally reduce the abdominal fat layer.

To achieve these goals, you should choosea set of exercises that you will perform in the morning, afternoon and evening for faster achievement of goals. To compose the complex is best to consult an experienced coach.

Remove stomach for 3 days

The simplest and most effective way to get rid ofugly belly is physical exercise and diet. In 3 days the result is visible. The abdominal exercises are divided into three main types. These exercises are for the oblique abdominal muscles, for the "lower" and "upper" press. It is most effective to perform exercises on an empty stomach in the morning. If it is difficult for you to force yourself to do something from the very morning, then make the complex 2-3 hours after eating. Each exercise is performed at least 20-25 times and necessarily 2 approaches for each exercise. The load in this case should not be the same, with each week you can increase the number of movements by 5-10 times or do not two, but three approaches. Adhering to diet, doing physical exercises is quite difficult. Especially not just this will be given to those girls who were still in school skipping physical education classes and not doing exercises. But if you want to achieve a certain result, you will have to work hard! Do not be lazy, imagine yourself slim and beautiful in a nice little bikini - and you will succeed! The main desire and desire, reinforced by action.

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