It is known that our planet has the shape of a sphere. Many children from childhood learn that this is why the distribution of heat on our planet is not uniform. At the same time, we all know that our planet is constantly rotating around its axis. However, many still have a question, why does it happen that not all the inhabitants of the planet in the summer becomes warm. In addition, it remains unclear why winter is cold in some regions, while in others there is an incredible heat.

Why is it so cold in winter?

Many do not understand why in the winter in one partthe planet is very hot, and the other is cold. As we noted at the beginning, in addition to rotating around the Sun, the Earth circulates around its axis. When the seasons change, the angle that is formed between the orbit and the axis also makes some changes. This angle is equal to 23 degrees and makes minor deviations throughout the year.

In the northern latitudes with the onset of winter raysbegin to glide along the surface of the northern hemisphere. In other words, the Sun is no longer in relation to them at right angles. That's why the air temperature begins to fall. Our country is in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, summer in the regions of our country occurs when the sun's rays fall on them at right angles.

Meanwhile, in some regions of Russia, for example in the Krasnodar Territory, warm weather is almost all year round. This is due to the fact that the Krasnodar Territory is on a different latitude.

As for countries where there is always heat,even in the winter months, their case is explained by the close location to the equator. The sun's rays constantly fall on them perpendicularly. It is worth mentioning that in countries with a sharply continental climate the weather does not depend on the location on the globe and the time of the year, but mainly on the activity of air currents.

About why snow falls in winter, the article will tell Why it's snowing.

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