Winter time of the year is not only torture by cold,it is also a real struggle with the hairdo, which, alas, does not obey its mistress. Hats, scarves, jumpers ... You put on, you take off, and the hair from this whole procedure stands on end. Why do hair become electrified? And, how to deal with this terrible condition called "hedgehog on his head"?

The causes of electrification of hair

Many, probably, remember the school years are wonderful. The physics teacher was putting a device with iron balls on the table, then a wheel was spinning, and a real lightning ran between the balls! This was called static electricity. The same happens with the hair when they rub against each other.

Hair is electrified in winter

Summer hair is also static, but muchless. And, to our joy, in a warm time all this "disgrace" on the head is imperceptible and the haircut is kept perfectly. But in the winter, when air conditioners work everywhere in the rooms, the batteries heat and the heaters become very electrified when the hair begins to dry out. Simply they are charged from each other and turn a head into the big ball, with thin sticks sticking out of it. But in animals, hair on the body is more greasy, so they are much less electrified. But, if you wash your cat or dog often, the lush and high "hairstyle" to your 4-paw friend can not be avoided.

What will eliminate electrolysis of hair

Do not despair! Why the hair is electrified, we found out, and now we will struggle with this gap in life. First you need to get rid of your comb, if it's plastic. Give her to her jealous friend, for example, and buy yourself the best quality - from ebonite. Then get essential oils - lavender and pink. They can sprinkle their hair before combing. But with a hair dryer in winter, use less - it dries your hair drastically and they, in turn, spoil our mood. Well, and wear clothes not from artificial, but from natural materials.

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