Many have heard of the great scholar MikhailVasilyevich Lomonosov. However, not everyone knows who he was, what he did and what he is famous for. Therefore, in this article we will consider who Lomonosov is and what his services are for the whole world.

Who was Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail Lomonosov actively studied chemistry, studied history, was an encyclopedist, well versed in geography and metallurgy, was a polyglot and knew several languages, was an artist and a poet.

The scientist was born in 1711. family of rich skuas. His childhood greatly influenced his future life. As a child, Mikhail Lomonosov often spent time with his father, together they went fishing and arranged long trips.

His primary education was Mikhail Lomonosovreceived in the local church of the village Mishaninskaya. In order to get an education in Moscow, he not only had to flee from his native village, but also to forge documents. This helped Lomonosov to enter the so-called Spassky Schools.

Literally, after 3 years Lomonosov together withother twelve pupils were sent to St. Petersburg. There he became a student of the Academy of Sciences. After, in 1736, continued his studies abroad until 1740. More about the period of Lomonosov's training, which is very important in his life, read in the article Where Lomonosov studied.

Mikhail Lomonosov became professor of chemistry at the age of 34. From that moment it is considered that the young Lomonosov began his active scientific activity in the field of physical phenomena research. In 1755, on the initiative of Lomonosov and the state leader Shuvalov, the Moscow State University was founded. Two years later, in 1757 Lomonosov became an adviser to the Academic Chancellery. Another three - an honorary member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 1763 he was elected a member of the Academy of the three most famous arts.

Mikhail Lomonosov died in 1765 in his home from pneumonia. He was buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery.

Achievements of Mikhail Lomonosov

It is very difficult to assess the activities of MikhailLomonosov in the framework of one article. The fact is that this person is recognized as a genius in the whole world. His achievements really amaze the imagination of the scientific world so far. In particular, Mikhail Lomonosov became the author of 9 discoveries, which are attributed to hypotheses about the rotational motion of a particle. These discoveries are considered one of the most important in chemistry.

However, Mikhail Lomonosov is famous for his artistic creations. For example, he is the author of the Poltava Battalion, which is a monumental canvas (mosaic).

Lomonosov is considered the author of rhetoric. He also laid the foundations of the poem, created his poetic works.

Lomonosov's achievements in the field ofastronomy. He was the first to suggest that there is an atmosphere on Venus. He also designed many optical instruments and established the Russian school of scientific and applied optics.

It was Lomonosov who introduced many scientific terms,which are used to this day. Among them are terms such as atmosphere, microscope, optics, barometer, radius, horizon, minus and plus, formula and many, many others.

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