Words have a history associated withorigin, use, sphere of application. So, the word "calm" arose in the Russian language as professionalism - a sea term. Then it acquired other meanings. So what is calm? Let's figure it out.

The direct meaning of the word "calm"

Calm - a word of another language, in translation fromDutch it means silence and calm at sea, when there is absolutely no wind. Calm is an unpleasant phenomenon for sailing ships, because there is no fair wind that the ship will carry on the sea or river surface. For example: "The calm set in and delayed the arrival of our sailboat for several days."

The portable meaning of the word "calm"

The word "calm" is used in a figurative sense,when it comes to the established peace of mind in a relationship or in some kind of action. The word in this meaning is used in colloquial speech. For example: "We have a complete calm - no orders from customers." or "At last the family is calm, it's so hard to constantly find out the relationship with each other."

The homonym of the word "calm"

Homonyms are words that have completely differentmeaning, but pronounced and written the same. The word "calm" also has a homonym, which in German means "speaking". It is used in art to designate different directions. True, it is used quite rarely, only in the circles of specialists. It was more common in the 18th century, when MV Lomonosov wrote his works on various calm in the literature. For example: "High and low stitches have a characteristic vocabulary."

Interesting information about other words is read in the articles on our website in the Definitions section.

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