The metric coordinate system was introduced in 1790 in many countries (with the exception of the United States and Great Britain) for the convenience and simplicity of calculations. A kilometer is one such unit of measurement.

Let us consider in more detail what a kilometer is.

What is a kilometer?

Kilometer (abbreviated km) is a French measure (from the Greek "chilioi" - a thousand, meter), a unit of distance measurement, a multiple of a meter.

  • 1 km = 1000 m = 0.53996 English miles = 0.9374 versts (468.7 soot) = 1094 yards = 3281 feet = 1.057 • 10-13 light years.

Calculations are based on the use of a meter, and kilometer, centimeter and other units of measurement with the same root are its derivatives.

The starting point of the distance is the zero kilometer. As a rule, this is the center of the capital or another city. Such a place is designated by a special sign or monument.

On maps, plans and globes the distanceis measured in several ways: by means of scale, degree grid, special compass, a curvimeter (a special device measuring the length of curved lines) or a wet thread, depending on the required accuracy and available knowledge.

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