How does a person grow?
Any living organism in its development is compulsorypasses the stage of growth. It develops not only in size and shape or other external features, but also in terms of capabilities. The processes that cause growth of the body are manifested at birth. They are called "heredity." Different living beings have a different time interval from birth to full maturation. As for a person, he reaches physical maturity in 20 years. So, let's look at how a person grows.
Intensive growth period
Being born, a small man already hasthe necessary number of nerve cells that any person should have. It is the development of connections between such cells that helps to properly control their own movements, to behave as the world around them requires.
In the world there are no two similar people. Similarly, you can see that all people have different rates of development. In the first few weeks after birth, a person grows at the fastest rate in his entire life. But already at the end of its first year of life, growth is noticeably slowing down. Then, even during childhood up to 11 years, the child grows evenly. However, girls at the age of 11-13 and boys at the age of 12-14 are entering a phase of accelerated development. It will continue now until the moment when the body finally ripens. Only after that, the visible growth of the organism stops and the person has its constant size.
Why we are growing
Let's look at why a person grows. In our body there is a special system of endocrine glands, which are responsible for growth control. This thyroid gland, which is located on the neck, pituitary, thymus gland and genital glands. It is the pituitary in response to the growth of bones. Depending on how it works, the human body can be either too large or too small.
The thymus gland is present in humans from the verybirth. In childhood, it begins to increase, and in the adolescent period, on the contrary, it contracts. This gland has a connection with the sex glands. It works only at a time when the sex glands are small. But as soon as they begin to develop intensively, the thymus gland ceases to grow. It is for this reason that a person practically ceases to grow after reaching puberty.
Man grows all his life
However, in fact, scientists have proven thata person grows all his life. We reach the maximum possible growth only by 35-40 years. And after that our body begins to decrease by 12 mm per decade. The main reason why this happens is the dehydration of the cartilage that is in the joints.
Weight gain and growth upwards often occur,replacing each other. At birth, a person develops upwards and only then he begins to gain weight. It is also believed that the human nose and ears continue to grow throughout life, but we do not notice it. Also, as to whether a person's eyes are growing, there is a considerable amount of disagreement between scientists, as some believe that they are growing and others that are not.