Every mathematician needs to know what a schedule is. But this term can have meaning not only in the context of mathematical sciences. Let's take a closer look at what the word "graph" can mean.

The graph is ...

First of all, the term "graph", of course, is relatednamely with mathematics. For example, many have heard the phrase "function graph". It means some set of points for which the abscissas are the admissible values ​​of the argument x, and the ordinates are the corresponding values ​​of the function y.

But there are other areas of human activity,where they build graphics. For example, a graph is called a person, an artist who engages in graphics. More details about this you can find out from the article of our site What is graphics.

In the biological sciences there is a notion"Basal temperature graph". This is a rather narrow term associated with functional diagnostics and allows you to evaluate hormonal homeostasis in the body of a woman.

In the economic sphere,a graph or a Gantt chart that looks like bars that can demonstrate the effectiveness of ongoing work, illustrate plans for the future, schedule a schedule for next year, and so on.

These are only a few spheres of application and the meaning of the term "graph".

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