Gas is one of the most widely usedmineral. It is used in many areas of human life as a fuel and allows you to perform tasks that were unattainable earlier. Natural gas, as well as coal or oil, is extracted from the earth's interior with the help of special equipment. It was formed under the influence of high temperature and pressure from the remains of organic substances of animal origin for thousands of years.

The composition of natural gas is rather heterogeneous, inDepending on the location and various external factors, it can enter into different amounts: nitrogen, ethane, butane, propane, hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, etc.

How is gas used in the modern world?

In general, gas is used as fuel forcars, thermal power stations, fuel for heating residential and storage facilities, as well as for heating and cooking. It is widely used in the chemical and fuel-energy industries. Because of the affordable price and absolute environmental friendliness (gas is considered the most harmless in nature mineral fuel) it is used for both domestic and industrial needs throughout the planet.

How is natural gas used in the chemical industry?

The use of natural gas in chemicalindustry allowed to synthesize such substances as polyethylene, which previously did not exist in nature. In addition, it is used as a raw material for the creation of a variety of organic substances: acids, alcohol, plastics, rubber, etc.

Natural gas itself has no odor and color. Because of this feature, it can not be used in its pure form, since its leakage will be absolutely imperceptible. To protect people, substances with an unpleasant odor, such as ethyl mercaptan, are added to the gas.

How is natural gas transported and used?

Natural gas is extracted from wells, after which itpurified from various impurities, added flavor and fed into the pipeline at a pressure of 75 atmospheres. It is pumped through the gas transmission system to distribution stations, from which it is directed to consumers under much lower pressure.

There is also a method for liquefying natural gas,which allows you to transport it with the help of special tankers. The further use of such a gas is no different from the previous version. In the port, the gas is pumped out and fed into the gas transmission system.

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