Very often in the texts devoted to philosophy andreligion, the word "cult" is found. Increasingly, the word "cult" can be heard from TV screens or on the radio, but does this word always mean the same thing? In fact, the term "cult" has several definitions.

Religious cult

Cult in a religious environment means venerationan object or a being (both real and imaginary). The object of a religious cult is endowed with supernatural powers and qualities and can influence the surrounding reality.

Also, a cult in religion is called a rite, which is associated with a certain event, for example, with the death or birth of a child.

Historically, the traditions of religious worship have foundits reflection in paganism. There are many examples of various rituals that are dedicated to some sacred objects of nature, for example, the cult of the sky, water, sun.

Cult of ancestors

One of the most famous terms thatis found most often in religious and historical texts - the cult of ancestors. Its essence is to worship the dead ancestors. In different countries and religions with the cult of ancestors, various burial rites are associated.

What is the cult of personality?

The cult of personality means exaltation of a person,as a rule, a politician, ruler of the state. In countries where the main political regime was a monarchy, the king or emperor was treated as a deity.

In countries where totalitarianism dominated ordictatorship in the twentieth century, political leaders had to maintain their authority through propaganda - radio, the press and television. An example of the personality cult is the image of Stalin in the USSR until 1956.

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