With a competent writing of the work, it will be quite easy to draw up a conclusion. We will talk about how to do it.

How to sum up in writing

In order to correctly write the output, you needfirst with all the thoroughness to approach the work. Regardless of whether this is a diploma project, a course essay or just an abstract, an essay, you will need to implement its research, educational goals when writing it. They just formed the basis for the future conclusion.

And it will be more convenient to sum up after eachseparate chapter of written work. In this case, you will not actually need to think about how to write the output. You just combine the already existing items into one logically linked text.

In general, the sequence of actions when writing the final part of the work will look like this:

  1. Identify the main purpose of the work. What was required to find out, prove, demonstrate. Did you manage to do this? If so, to what outcome did you arrive at the end of the work?
  2. Make a plan of the content. What issues were considered? What conclusions have been obtained for each of them?
  3. Carefully study the mini-conclusions after each chapter of the work. Are they consistent and logical?
  4. Start combining the mini-results into a common final conclusion. You also need to follow a certain plan.

The plan for writing the conclusion

  1. Start by what goals were set in thethe very beginning. Take this information from the introduction to the work. Begin this part of the conclusion with the words "In this paper we considered the question ...", "In the beginning of the work we set ourselves the goal of finding out ...." And so on.
  2. Note what was learned during the course of the reviewissue, focusing on the outcome of each chapter / section. This part can be formalized, for example, with the following expression: "In the course of research, we learned that ...".
  3. Make the final conclusions. Here it would be appropriate to write something like: "In conclusion, we can sum up the following result ...".

Remember that you do not need to rewrite an existing onetext - replace the words with synonyms, rephrase expressions, change the sentence structure. At the very end, draw a general conclusion, which follows from all the listed results.

As to the amount of imprisonment, it will becorrectly write a conclusion about the size of one paragraph for each chapter of the work. The final conclusion for essays, essays can be done in 1-2 pages. For course and diploma projects, which involve a complex in-depth study, more detailed conclusions can be drawn. However, note that the total amount of the introductory and final parts should not exceed 25% of the total volume of the text, otherwise these parts will appear "watery", which is unacceptable for quality research work.

Also, some tips on how to write conclusions for various written works, you will find in the article How to write a conclusion.

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