One of the criteria for writing a successful work,Whether it's a diploma or course work, an essay on a given topic, a school essay or a scientific article, is not only a competent presentation of the thought, but also the correct observance of the structure - the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.

Write an opinion is not difficult, observing a few simple rules.

Conclusion to a diploma or course work

Conclusion - the logical conclusion of the work, inwhich indicates the outcome of the entire study, conclusions and proposals for the development of a particular issue. It also talks about the prospects of this direction of research and its practical importance. Successfully written conclusion makes the work integral and complete.

The plan for writing the conclusion


Do not immediately go over to the list of conclusions,obtained during the study. Conclusion, like any other part of the thesis or course work requires compliance with the special structure of the presentation from the general to the particular. The introductory part includes 2-3 proposals concerning the theoretical part - an introduction to the problem to which the study is devoted.

Main part

In the main part,obtained in the course of practical work. To do this correctly, you need to answer the questions posed in the introduction to the work. In practice, this means that each conclusion from the introduction corresponds to a conclusion in the conclusion. This approach will not only help to properly form the main part of the conclusion, but also ensure the overall integrity of the work.

Final part

At the conclusion, like in any other part of the work,must be the final part. Suggestions are given for improving the object of study and the practical value of the work is justified. In conclusion, you can write about in which areas you can apply the findings of the study.

The scope

The volume of the conclusion of the thesis is 3-4 pages, for the course paper - 2-3 pages.

To properly write a conclusion, one should adhere to the scientific style of writing. This means using persistent expressions, for example:

  • In our study, we found out ...
  • Based on our research, we can draw the following conclusions ...
  • In conclusion, we note that ...
  • We come to the conclusion about ...
  • Our work allows us to conclude that ...
  • The practical significance of our research is ...

Conclusion to the article

The conclusion to the article contains a conclusion on the topic indicated at the beginning, the solution of the problem posed, and rarely the author's opinion on the problem.

If in the beginning the problem is posed, then in the end it is necessary to give a balanced decision, sometimes a few, to mention different opinions about this problem.

It is important that the results, which are given in the conclusion to the article, focus only on the positive result.

Conclusion to the essay, composition

In conclusion, the essay should sum up all that was said earlier. The conclusion logically connects the text with the posed problem and the given theme.

As in the introduction, one should not pay attention to minor facts and minor details in the conclusion, only the essence of the problem is presented here.

The volume of the introductory and final part of the essay is 25% of the total work.

Observance of a clear structure, brevity and brevity of presentation is the key to successful work, which will be appreciated!

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