Agree, there are students who can not worse than Krylov write a fable, but, unfortunately, such units. But despite this, the teachers instruct children to write a fable in prose.

What is a fable? It is considered to be a fable of some instructive story, at the end of which a conclusion or moral teaching is given. Often the source of inspiration for writing a fable is a folk proverb or proverb. And fables are found both in verse and in prose.

Fable can write any, most importantly, put a little effort and imagination to it. To begin with, we will choose a suitable proverb or proverb. How to write a fable? There are several options:

  • We paint the proverb in the form of history, we inventcharacters, that is, the heroes of our fable, and in the end we bring morality. Morality and there will be a proverb which we took as a basis, it can be retold in your own words, supplemented or left in its original form.
  • First we come up with morality, and already to morality we come up with the very fable. When you think up a fable, you need to ask what exactly this fable is about.

Sometimes fables are called folk wisdom, the heroes of which can be animals with certain typical human traits.

Still fables written by children can be in the form ofpoems or prose with satirical evaluation. In addition, there must be a moralizing character. Remember the fabulist Krylov, very often in his fables as the heroes were the beasts. Thus, it is easier to convey the meaning of the fable, because most often we associate the fox with cunning, the ant - with diligence and so on. The best option is to use these characters.

Let's sum up. A fable can be in verse, that is, in rhyme and in prose, like a plain text. The best heroes of fables are animals. Morality and the essence of fables better expressed as a popular saying or proverb. Thus, following all these instructions, you can calmly say "we compose fables ourselves." And remember, everyone can compose if you apply your imagination to this and give enough time.

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