Plants are not only beautiful, but also useful. We'll figure out how useful plants are for humans.

  • First, they saturate our planet with oxygen. One can imagine what will happen to the world if all plants disappear from it.
  • Secondly, plants can help in the treatmentmany diseases. For example, with the regular use of leaves of Tradescantia, one can forget about periodontal disease. It is enough to chew every day the leaves of this plant. The thing is that the juice of Tradescantia has a healing property and is able to prevent bleeding of the gums.
  • Thirdly, a lot of medicines are made from the extract of plants.
  • Fourthly, the plants, strangely enough, are usefulto the fact that they make up our diet. What would become of our health if we ate only food of animal origin? Nothing good.

Still plants can promote relaxation. So, citrus fruits emit pleasant essential oils, which have a relaxing effect on the person.

In addition, some species of flora are capable ofproduce phytoncides that kill pathogens in the air. Very often in our apartments you can find aloe, geranium, golden mustache, Kalanchoe, begonia - all these nice inhabitants of window sills and workstations are able to help a person in the fight against microbes.

What are plants for?

Everyone remembers from the school biology course thatplants process carbon dioxide into oxygen, which a person breathes. That is why it is so important that in large smoke-filled cities there are many green massifs. The constant deforestation of the world leads to a rapid reduction of the green cover of the planet, which, in turn, negatively affects animals and man. In addition, a man annually creates more and more new plants and factories, which throw an enormous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Naturally, this attitude to the environment has a tremendous impact on people. Stress, drowsiness, constant fatigue - it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Plants help to create a comfortable atmosphere inhouse. It is also worthwhile to put such a green friend at work. Plenty of room does not take a plant, but it will be of use, but it only needs to be watered from time to time and sometimes sprinkled with foliage.

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