The role of plants for any living creature is enormous. Everyone knows at least a little about what plants are for. Plants are the lungs of the planet Earth, this is the source of life. Plants are the producers of oxygen, which is necessary for breathing people and animals. The plant absorbs carbon dioxide, and releases vital oxygen.

Thanks to the endless cycle of everything thatthere are in nature, people get life-giving substances. They eat nutrient-rich plant and animal food. People consume wild plants and agricultural products, as well as animals for which these plants are also food. A useful animal is a cow that eats green, juicy grass in summer, and hay in the winter, and gives such an important and product as milk. When processing milk, you get: cream, sour cream, butter, cottage cheese, cheese. Dairy products are useful, especially for children, because they contain calcium and other nutrients. But this is not all, what plants need a man for.

Why plants are needed

The leaves of the plants are green, thanksa large amount of a substance called chlorophyll. In autumn, when the level of chlorophyll falls, the leaf gradually begins to die, the color changes to yellow, red, and brown. Chlorophyll is the source of a variety of nutrients needed by any organism. On these substances - starch, protein, sugar, basically all the living things are built.

Why plants need water

Water is the source of the existence on earth of allliving organisms. Plants can not function without water, it is necessary for the metabolic and physiological growth processes of any plant. Chemical reactions in plants occur only when there is water in them. In the plant there is a process of photosynthesis, that is, the formation of organic substances in the plant from water and carbon dioxide with the participation of chlorophyll. The lack of water causes the plant to concentrate all its forces on the root system, nothing remains on the foliage. Therefore, any plant, without getting the right amount of water, gradually fades, fades.


However, indoor plants fill the house not onlybeauty of flowers, but also have different properties. It is believed that some types of indoor plants absorb negative energy, helping to establish family relationships. If the plant does not have the proper care, then it begins to fade, and then, on the contrary, collect human energy in order to survive. People become punctual, responsible and calm when growing indoor plants, which requires constant care, patience, time.

Benefits of indoor flowers

Some house plants bring in the housepacification, joy, and other plants can be used for medicinal purposes with a cold or drink broths. In addition, indoor flowers improve the air, secreting oxygen, purify it of toxic substances, increase the humidity of the air, reduce electromagnetic radiation, kill bacteria.

Such an indoor plant as chlorophytum possessesgreat bactericidal effect, for 24 hours it completely cleans the room of harmful microorganisms, activated charcoal in a flower pot intensifies purifying properties. Another very common plant - room geranium kills staphylococci and streptococci. This plant is best kept in the bedroom, it has a calming effect, helps with insomnia, stress. Ficus and variegated diffenbachia cleanse the toxins of the living room overlooking the freeway.

Cacti, especially with long needles, kill germs, protect against electromagnetic radiation. These flowers are best placed next to a TV or computer monitor, they require warmth and light.

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