In any class there are always successful pupils,which demonstrate brilliant results in all subjects. Also among the classmates there will always be children, who for various reasons can be hard at school. Nevertheless, each student has a potential, which, if desired and perseverance, can always be revealed. Further in the article there are several recommendations, which detail how to become an excellent student.

Prioritization and planning

If you are determined to take up your studies and becomean excellent student, in the first place should be allocated more time for classes at home. If at the time of making a decision you have several items on which things go especially unimportantly, try every day to allocate several hours for in-depth study of difficult material. Self-discipline is something that you will first have to master. Priorities should be set for achieving this goal. You will have to overcome the desire to spend several free hours on a walk with friends or play a game on the computer and instead sit down for textbooks. Only hard work can achieve results.

Make a detailed schedule for the week and plan for studying subjects, highlight difficult discipline and try to devote at least one hour to their study every day.

Positive attitude

Psychologists say that many potentiallyable students to get good grades is hampered by a low self-esteem. The belief that you will not be able to master some subject, as well as fear of the teacher, can significantly affect learning. It is necessary to understand that, both in school and in the future, at university or at work, you will not always meet only understanding and kind people. It is important to maintain a positive attitude within yourself. Each student is able to demonstrate excellent results. You just need to believe in yourself and get to work.


Becoming an excellent student at school is impossible withoutserious approach to doing homework. So our education system is arranged. Many carelessly relate to oral assignments, and yet this is an extremely important aspect in the study of new material. It is impossible to learn the lesson in 45 minutes. In order for everything that the teacher said to be stored in memory, you must repeat the topic and work it out yourself.

Try to carry out the task on the same day, inwho is asked. Then the information obtained in the lesson will not have time to forget and it will be easier for you to understand it, so that you do not have to return to it constantly.

Do not try to learn a lesson, becausemechanical memorization of phrases from the book will not help in solving problems on the control. Several times carefully read the rule or theorem, try to understand it in detail, understand how to apply it.

Do not be afraid to ask questions

Usually the teacher's question: "Is everything clear?"Pupils respond with friendly nodding, after which it turns out on independent or control work that most of the class did not understand the material they had covered at all. Never hesitate to ask if something is unclear. Questions are a sign of not stupidity, but a desire to understand the material. Most teachers will be happy with the questions and the fact that they are listened to at the lessons.

More useful tips you can find in our articles - How to become an excellent pupil and How to study perfectly.

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