The main difference between excellent students and juststudents is that distinguished students always go one step ahead. They are teachers' favorites, they are turned to for help, they take part in Olympiads and receive rewards for their efforts.

How to become an honors pupil or an excellent student? First of all, it is necessary to decide whether you want it or not. An honors pupil is not only a privilege, but also a duty. If an honors pupil for some reason slows down and "slides" into the four, then immediately, from all sides, they make claims. Often excellent students work much more than their classmates, take extra tasks and study more complex textbooks.

Nevertheless, the positive aspects of excellent studymuch more than negative. In addition to the general attention and respect of teachers, honors pupils have all chances to achieve the set goals in life. Who is hired for work - "srednerchka" or a good specialist? Who wins grants and scholarships for study in the most prestigious educational institutions? Of course those who excelled in some area. Excellent grades are an indicator that a student or student understands a particular subject.

When asked how to become an excellent pupil at school,there is one answer: to study, learn and study again. We must understand that the "five" will not appear by themselves. When the teacher sees that the student is working, trying and doing all the tasks, then he, the teacher, will put the grades higher. The more you practice, the better you will understand what you are learning. As a result, good and excellent grades appear in the diary.

To start learning better, you need to follow several rules:

  1. If you do not understand something, be sureask the teacher or your classmates. Teachers are always ready to help those who want to learn. It must be remembered that one gap in knowledge, when a student does not understand something, can then lead to a general misunderstanding of the topic. In this case, there are no good grades.
  2. More time for study and homework. If you do everything carefully, then it will be much easier for you to cope with the tasks at the lessons.
  3. Less time spent on computer games. Computer and computer games take a lot of energy.
  4. Ask your parents. Parents know that they need to study well, so they will always think how to help you. Sometimes, they turn to tutors, which just help the student improve their results.

It often happens that it is necessary to raiseresults only in one single subject. For example, how to become an excellent pupil in mathematics? To do this, you need to seriously approach the solution of homework assignments and listen carefully to the teacher at school in the lessons of mathematics, to learn formulas, to solve problems. Here, as elsewhere, the rule is: to study and only to learn.

Although, do not forget about the rest. If you constantly learn and "the light of white does not see," then you can, and vice versa, reduce your results. Studying without rest guarantees fatigue, distracted attention and general fatigue. In this state, even just to attend lessons is very difficult, what to say about becoming an excellent pupil in the classroom?

Finally, the most important thing is to set a goalachieve the best results, become more responsible and develop their abilities. Then in the future all roads will open, and it will be possible to choose which way to go. Excellent study is the key to success!

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