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How did the dinosaurs appear?

Dinosaurs are already almost fabulous creatures formodern man. They can not be seen with their own eyes, their traces have long been covered by a large layer of soil, but still they remind us of their existence. Through the tracks that they left behind. How did the dinosaurs appear? Let's talk about it.

How the Dinosaurs Originated

We will not describe in detail all the stepsevolution. This is a very long and lengthy topic. Many scientists claim, based on research data, that these creatures appeared about one hundred twenty-five years ago. Presumably, dinosaurs originated from reptiles, like all mammals (and not only) on earth. That is, they came out of the water.


At first they were small, about the size,resembled a large turkey, but soon the role of natural selection began to play a role. Survival individuals who have the opportunity to move on four legs. So it was easier to make big animals. Therefore, they began to grow in size in size. Of course, this has been for many millennia. And it came to that some dinosaurs became sizes with a high-rise building, approximately twenty-four meters high and weighing over thirty tons. These animals could get food from the tops of trees, but at the same time it became difficult for them to move around and they began to live in swamps and not move for long distances.


Also on a par with herbivorous species, there wereand carnivorous species. These animals did not reach such huge sizes, as herbivorous representatives of dinosaurs, but were very mobile. But both the first and the second touched on climate change on Earth. And their comfort zone shook and they are dinosaurs, they began to die out. So where did the dinosaurs come from? There is no exact answer, only the assumptions of scientists and archaeologists. But the origin of them is the Mesozoic era.

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