There are a huge number of hypotheses thattry to explain the fact that at the end of the Cretaceous period dinosaurs died out. Unfortunately, not one of them has been confirmed so far, until now. Scientists of the whole planet have been fighting this mystery for more than a dozen years, however, their attempts to find out the truth have not yet been crowned with success. In this article we will consider the most popular hypotheses about the causes of mass extinction of dinosaurs. So:

Why did dinosaurs become extinct?

global flood

The hypothesis was that throughout the Earththe balloon flooded the land areas. Dinosaurs, who could not adapt to the new conditions, were killed. This hypothesis is refuted by the fact that some marine animals also died out during this period. But a huge number of inhabitants of the land, in contrast, survived.

The extermination of dinosaurs by primitive man

The hypothesis is refuted, since the first humans appeared only 60 million years after the disappearance of the dinosaurs.

Physiological Disadvantages of Dinosaurs

Here they have in mind their growth and slowness, which led to the extinction of dinosaurs. This hypothesis is also refuted. The smallest and fastest dinosaurs also died.

The collision of the Earth with a huge meteorite

According to this new hypothesis, at the time of the Cretaceousperiod there were catastrophic events that led to the extinction of dinosaurs. A meteorite with a diameter of 10 kilometers collapsed to Earth. As a result, a huge amount of dust has risen from the surface of the earth, which deprived the inhabitants of the planet of sunlight. At first plants died, as they could not receive and synthesize the energy of the sun. In the wake of the plants, plant-eating animals have died out, and predators have also died out after them. On the whole planet there was a strong cooling, because the sun's rays no longer reached the surface of the Earth. After some time, which numbered several dozen centuries, the upper layers of the atmosphere warmed up again. Proceeding from these data, extinction of the animal world is quite understandable. Most dinosaurs died during the collision, well, the rest during the "long winter" and the lack of warmth and light on the planet. That's why the dinosaurs died out. But. This theory can not explain only one thing - how the birds could survive. After all, it is not a secret that birds are very sensitive to unfavorable conditions of existence.

Here are the basic theories that are just tryingexplain the sudden disappearance of dinosaurs from our planet. It is to be hoped that scientists will soon find the answer to this riddle. This will be a significant contribution to understanding the world that surrounds us, and we are not even aware of its power.

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