The dragon is a mythical creature that is mentionedin the mythology of almost all the peoples of the world. We can assume that his image arose from the time when the last dinosaurs could be alive. Their appearance and transformed our ancestors into an image of a dragon.

How the dragon looks in mythology

Common features are large sizes andlizard-like. A long, powerful tail, strong clawed legs, a large head on a long neck. Powerful jaws with large teeth. The body is covered with scales. However, in the mythology of different peoples in the descriptions of dragons there are differences. In Europe, dragons are given huge leathery wings that allow them to fly easily. In European mythology, a dragon can be either a good or a negative character. In Slavic mythology, the dragon is given three heads and is called the snake Gorynych. He can erupt from the jaws of fire and is a negative character, with which everyone is eager to fight, to whom not laziness. Quite another dragon in the East - he is more like a lizard and has no wings. In China and Japan, the dragon is revered and considered a symbol of strength and wisdom.

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