Wind rose is a special pie chart,based on the vectors, it reflects the direction of the wind, which changes throughout the year. Such graphs are used very often in climatology, meteorology, and they are very often needed when planning the construction of buildings and runways. Externally, the image of the wind rose can be seen quite often in heraldry. Its most common location is on the symbolism of NATO. So, let's look at how to build a wind rose.

Preparing for an image

Most often for educational purposes, a wind rose is builtOnly in local history lessons in schools, technical schools and other educational institutions. Build a wind rose can be for a specific location. Very often such a task is given to a pupil of 7-9 grade of the school, with which they are doing an excellent job.

If you want to do an independent jobby building a wind rose, then you will need information about the year-round wind direction in a certain area. It is necessary to take information data for a month. You can do it yourself, or you can apply for help in the meteorological service.

Now draw a foundation for the future chart tothen order the results of observations. Draw a coordinate system whose main axes will denote all known sides of the world, namely, east, north, south and west. Now we draw intermediate lines between these lines and denote them as northwest, north-east, south-west and southeast. Now on each axis we lay off uniform divisions, which will symbolize a certain number of days. Very often one division means one day, in each case it can be different. This way you can understand how to make a wind rose.

We represent the wind rose

After this preparatory workwill be completed, you can proceed to the very construction of the wind rose. We calculate how many days the wind blows in each direction, after which we postpone the corresponding number of divisions on each of the lines. After a certain number of dashes are delayed, you can gently connect the resulting points with straight lines. Thus, you should get a closed polygon. If there are windless days on this territory, you can mark them with a circle in the center of the chart. If, however, during this time interval the wind was not observed at all in the specified territory, then the line joining the points should be interrupted.

It is necessary to carry out such actions ifyou want to learn how to make a wind rose. Now that you have followed the steps above, you should get a wind rose for your region for a certain period. Long lines on it will show the predominant direction of those winds that blow to the terrain.

Automatic construction of a rose

Thus, it is possible to build a wind rosemanually. However, there is another way, through which you can build a wind rose in the automatic mode using the Excel application. To understand how to build a wind rose, you must create a file and in the form of a table to enter in it all the data regarding the direction of winds and the number of days. You should get a few bars, which will mean the number of windy days and the names of directions.

Now with the command "Paste" -"Diagram" you will need to select a position called "Petal diagram". The result of these actions should be the appearance of a graphic image of the resulting diagram.

Thus, to build a wind rose for anyThe section of the globe is very simple, it is enough to calculate correctly the number of windy days and their direction. This image is similar in appearance to a rose, which is why the graphic image of the direction of the wind is called the wind rose.

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