Unlikely to hear for the first time the expression "Rose of the Winds,you will think that it has a completely unromantic significance. Unfortunately this is the case. But despite this, the Wind Rose means no less important and interesting things and, moreover, has several meanings.

Below are the implications of this expression.

What is Wind Rose: Values

  • In meteorology, the wind rose is a vector diagram that characterizes the wind regime. This is what is being told in the lessons of geography.
  • In cartography and heraldry is a cartographic designation of the main geographical azimuths of the sides of the horizon in the form of a star.
  • Also, the Wind rose diagram can be found intattoos. Stuffing under the skin of the diagram of the diagram with the designation of the sides of the world went to us from pirates. Someone stuffs it, trying in such a way to express the state of their freedom, the lack of attachment to anything and to someone. Among other things, this diagram is popular among criminals. For example, piercing Rosa winds on his knees, the prisoner wants to say that he will not be able to break anything and nothing. In the criminal world, the Rose of the Winds is still stuffed on their shoulders to show their belonging to a special criminal caste.

Also, "Wind Rose" is the name of the Ukrainian charter airline and the German airline "Windrose Air" (in literal translation).

In the old days, sailors decorated their hands with this drawing in the hope of returning home alive with the help of a tailwind.

You may also be interested in these articles:

  • What is the wind
  • How to build a wind rose
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