If you bought a room rose or you want itthey will have to be transplanted into another soil. How to transplant a rose at home is described in this article. In flower shops, roses are already sold in pots with "soil", but this is not soil, but usually peat, which is devoid of all nutritional elements. If you leave a rose in this soil, watering ordinary water without recharge - it simply withers.

So, to transplant a room rose you will need:

  • pot,
  • A special soil for indoor plants, enriched with nutrients,
  • a little pebbles for drainage (expanded clay, pumice stone).

All this can be purchased in flower shops, where indoor flowers are sold or in stores like "Garden-garden".


Take your time with the transplant. Let your pet stand in the bought pot in your house and get used to the atmosphere and climatic conditions in the room. After 2-3 days, you can start replanting in a new pot.

Tip: the only thing that should be done immediately is to process the leaves of the plant with a disinfecting solution. Such ready-made solutions in huge quantities are sold in the same shops. In addition, they often contain some of the minerals necessary for the hardwood portion. The same solution can be used and then approximately twice a month for prophylaxis.


Before the actual transplant itselfprepare a new pot. The pot should not be very large, since the rose in it will not flow well. Choose better 4-5 cm more in diameter and in height than the previous one. At the bottom put a thickness of about 1 centimeter drainage coating of expanded clay. To fall asleep with soil, but, not bringing to the top of the pot somewhere 2 cm.

Next, in order to correctly transplant the rose, you needpull it out of the pot without damaging the roots. Rinse the roots with warm water very gently. You need to plant about the same depth as in the previous pot. After that, place the transplanted rose for a couple of days on the shady side of the room.

Secondary transplantation

This, as for indoor roses, justpurchased in stores. Already once transplanted roses as it grows, too, must be transplanted into larger pots. Do it in September, so that in the spring they can already blossom and make you happy. And the procedure of transplantation does not differ from the above.

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