From Latin, the term "document" means"Evidence, sample, proof". If earlier this concept covered a rather narrow area of ​​"official and important papers", today it is rather difficult to explain what a document is.

In a general sense, a modern documentIt is represented as an electronic (material) object in which the information is placed in a specific form, and this object is intended specifically for the transmission of content in time and space. So, a document can be a magazine, a sculpture, etc.

In a more narrow presentation, the document is a carrier of information, wrapped in a written form and certifying the existence of specific facts of a certain significance.

Types of documents

  1. By appointment distinguish:
    • Information and reference documents
    • Organizational Documents
    • Accounting-accounting (accounting value) documents
    • Instruction documents
    • Normative documents and other similar documentation
  2. In the direction of sending - incoming and outgoing documents.
  3. According to the method of production - typewritten, draft, electronic, white, pictorial, handwritten and printed document.
  4. By the type of content - ideographic, textual, iconic, audiovisual, multimedia documents.
  5. If necessary, the means of technology - human readable, machine-readable.
  6. The place of creation - internal documents and external;
  7. By the time of formation - primary and secondary (annotations, abstracts, reviews, etc.).
  8. For distribution - intermediate, published, unpublished, unpublished documents.
  9. By the method of presentation - an electronic document and on paper.
  10. According to the degree of secrecy - documents are unclassified, secret and documents with different levels of secrecy.
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