In the literature there are several universally recognizedgenres, but at the same time there are processes of the emergence of new and the disappearance of certain classical ones. Today genres of modern literature are divided into three main classes: lyrical, narrative and dramatic. Each of these classes is distinguished by characteristic features, which relate the work to a particular genre. What genres of literature are more common than others?


To this genus concerns, first of all,melodrama, tragedy and comedy. In the latter case, the reader observes not only the display and demonstration, but also ridicule existing vices in society. In other words, there is always a reason to laugh at a self-interested, stupid or greedy person. The peculiarity of the melodrama is a clear distinction between the characters on the "evil" and "good", and there is a continuous confrontation between them. The tragedy is highlighted by the narrative of the tragic destiny of the protagonist, his losses and sorrows. The tragedy ends with a situation of complete hopelessness of the hero or his death.


No less common type of artisticliterature is a genre of lyrical poem. This poem is designed in a very colorful form to express all the emotions, emotions and feelings of the author. It has long been customary to transform lyric melodic poems into songs that consist of several verses and a chorus. The song also became another literary genre. A separate kind of lyrical work is a poem. This narrative narrative has a poetic form that makes the poem both related to the poem and the song.

From the essay to the novel

What genres exist in literature besidesset out above? It should be said about the epic, which includes various prosaic genres. The epic in most cases is represented by a cycle of works in which a certain historical epoch or a significant event for history is depicted. In the essay, concrete facts of real life are displayed. A work depicting one event or one character for a short period of time is called a story. The story is characterized by a number of events from the life of the hero. A novel is the presence of not one, but several characters whose destinies are interwoven at the will of the author. There are novels social, historical, philosophical, adventure, family-household.

Each genre has many characteristic features, often they make it difficult to accurately classify the work. Formed literary genres historically, and each has its own peculiarity.

Types of literature genres of Ancient Rus

The emergence of ancient Russian literaturecontributed to the adoption of Christianity: it was his genre system that was borrowed from Byzantium. In parallel, the literary process of ancient Rus was closely related to folklore, and this determined the national flavor of the literature of those centuries. What genres of ancient Russian literature are known?

Birchbark and chronicles

The most ancient monument of Russian writing -birchbark letters of Novgorod. They were known already in the XI century, birchbark certificates reflected the daily life of Russian society of the medieval era. Folklore works, church texts, personal letters, documents were fixed on birch bark letters. Another example of the literature of ancient Rus is the chronicle. The chronicle is characterized by a detailed description of historical events. Similar documents of Byzantium were called chronicles, Western Europe - annals.

Bylin and religious texts

Great distribution in Russia was bylina -songs of an epic nature about the heroes' exploits (folk heroes). Subsequently, such names of epic warriors as Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich "mastered" many of the author's works. Evolved in ancient Russia and literature of a religious nature: visions, translations of the Gospel, writings of holy fathers, life. Over time, there were genres of tales, words, novels, stories. Huge popularity enjoyed "The Lay of Igor's Host".

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