In mathematics, there are many different numbers. Some of them are called rational. About that, what is a rational number, our article will tell.

A rational number is a number, a representationwhich is possible in the form of ordinary fractions. For example, 3/4 or 5/6. The numerator of this fraction is an integer, and, in turn, the denominator is a natural number. We know that a natural number is a number that is used when counting any objects. Integers are any natural numbers and opposite numbers, and also 0.

Also, a subset of rational numbers isset of integers. Rational numbers have four basic properties - addition, multiplication, division (except zero), and subtraction. Also, they can be ordered. For every number in the set of rational numbers there is an inverse and an opposite number.

Area in which rational numbers are appliedgreat. Such numbers are used in physics, mathematics, chemistry, economics, etc. But the most important are these numbers in banking and financial systems.

Now you know what numbers are rational!

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