Dracaena is a very cute plant thatlooks like a dwarf palm. This tree harmoniously fits into any interior, giving it a cozy and unique charm. Dracaena is very easy to care for, but, nevertheless, some growers often face a problem when the plants turn yellow leaves. So why does Dracaena turn yellow and how to help this plant? First you need to understand the reasons, and by eliminating them, the problem will go away by itself.

Dracaena turns yellow: causes

You should know that adult plants from time to timelose the lower leaves. First, the dracaena's yellow leaves turn yellow, after which they fall off, exposing the trunk. In this situation, you should not worry, as it is characteristic of plants of this species. You can advise only, rejuvenate the dracen, cutting off and rooting the upper part. If the above option is not relevant to your plant, and you do not know why the dracaena leaves turn yellow, then it is probably the fault of the pests that wound up on it. Most often this plant damages the scab, which is brown plaques on the surface of the stems and leaves. It drains the dracaena's cellular juice, causing its leaves to turn yellow, dry and subsequently fall off. To save a favorite plant, wipe the leaves with a sponge soaked in soapy water and then spray them with a 0.15% solution of the actinic, diluted in the following way: 1-2 ml of the solution should be diluted in liter of water.

Also the culprit of the fact that the dracaena plantyellow and fall off leaves, may be waterlogged soil. You should know that it needs semi-dry content. In the summer it should be watered once a week, and in the autumn-winter period it is enough to water once a fortnight. Also, make sure that the soil is slightly damp. Try to water the plants according to this scheme and see if it will recover.

How to help the plant

If neither one has helped, then it's possiblein the insufficient fertilizing of the plant, since it is one of the main moments of cultivation of the dracaena. If the plant lacks nutrients, especially nitrogen, then when the air in the room is dry, its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Therefore, during its growth, that is, from April to August, it is necessary to supplement the dracaena with special complex fertilizers that have been specially developed for indoor plants. Now you know, in case the dracaena turns yellow, what to do to make the plant come back to life and continue to please you with its appearance.

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