Introduction is present in almost all scientificworks, whether it be a student's abstract or a doctor's thesis of a professor. It is a small, clearly structured part of the work, which outlines its main aspects. It is important to know how to write an introduction, because it is the hallmark of all labor. It is thanks to the introduction that the members of the commission have a first impression of the quality of the work presented and it is extremely important that it makes a positive impression on them. Introduction gives not only the necessary information, but also presents your work in the most favorable light.

Relevance of the topic of work

Introduction begin to write with the notationrelevance of the topic. The importance of this item is difficult to overestimate. This is the rationale for choosing the topic and its relevance in the current conditions of economic, social or cultural development. Psychological aspect: it is necessary to convince the reader that the topic under consideration (but not your work) has a huge social significance. It is necessary to involve the reader in resolving this issue. It is important that he was not an outside observer, but a participant on a subconscious level. Then he will be able to see in your work and a fraction of your work, which will only affect the evaluation positively.

Degree of study of the question

Next - the level of disclosure of the problem: how successfully studied the topic of domestic experts and abroad. If the topic is developed quite successfully, then write, with what you do not agree, and whose point of view you support. You can specify which nuances of the predecessors were missed, and you propose to focus on them. It is very important, because you emphasize the degree of your erudition in this matter.

How to write an introduction: object and subject

It's time to pay attention, in fact, to the objectResearch is what further pages of labor are devoted to. Invest all your skills in these few lines. A couple of dozen words try to convey the content of all labor. Truly, brevity is a sister, and talent is her brother.

Description of the subject - the specific properties of the object,to which the study itself is directed, that is, part of the whole, undergoing attempts to understand and study it. For example, the object of research can be a textbook, and the subject of research is its ability to bring knowledge to the heads of thoughtful students.

Set the goal of work

The purpose of the work is, in fact, whatthe performer strives. Perhaps this is a deep analysis of some properties of the object of research, the proof or refutation of existing concepts. The goal may be the definition of new methods and methods of applying a particular subject. For example, to study the effectiveness of obtaining knowledge by students using a textbook in conditions of weightlessness.

How to write an introduction: outline tasks

The goals of the work subordinate the entire project, tasks -certainly several. These are the stages of achieving the goal, a kind of step when moving toward something. Such a stage can be the head of your work, which solves a specific problem. In our example, you can define several steps:

  • selection and preparation of students, able to assemble and solve the task in conditions of weightlessness;
  • method of obtaining a state of weightlessness (space flight, simulator or submersion under water);
  • the choice of a textbook for this study;
  • other organizational matters, etc.

We select research methods

If you write that the scientific knowledge of the subjectThe research was carried out by methods of analysis and comparison, then the first fly-ointment is provided. This is one of the ways how to write an introduction for a failed job. Only the reader's inattention or his unpreparedness can help.

There are two types of scientific methods: Theoretical, including, in fact, theory, hypotheses, scientific laws and scientific modeling; and empirical, consisting of experiments, observations, scientific research, measurements.

It remains to choose those that were used in the process of studying the work object.

Correctly we write the introduction: information

Give some of the most significant examplesmaterials used in preparation for writing work. It is better if these are not normative materials, legislative acts or yearbooks, but scientific works of learned men (ideally - members of the commission), reports and conference materials, research reports and other scientific literature.

Theory and practice

Theoretical significance is justified by the possibility of applying research results in a particular branch of knowledge.

Practical significance is due to the probability of using practical recommendations proposed by the author.

These two concepts should be obvious and have the potential to convince listeners.

Scientific freshness

Without fanaticism, we convincingly praise our work and the results achieved with its help on concrete examples. List everything that has at least some positive connotation.

Finally, postpone your work and forget about itfor a week or a couple of days. Then read again. Correct the existing shortcomings and let your esteemed comrade read it. Correctly written introduction should cause curiosity. Remember, a good introduction is like a goalkeeper in football - half the success!

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