In order to understand what the computer science is studying, it is first of all necessary to turn to the origin of this word.

The term informatics came from the French language. It comes from the words information, which means information and automatique - automation. Thus, the science of computer science is studying information automation.

Informatics is a science that studies the structure, properties, ways of collecting, storing and retrieving information, as well as its processing, transformation and application in various fields of activity.

Areas of application of informatics are diverse. It is used in everyday life by ordinary users to store personal information, office workers to record and control the production process, design organizations to develop new systems, mechanisms and structures, industrial enterprises to control and automate the output.

The task of informatics, first of all, isaccumulation and systematization of information, as well as the establishment of links and regularities. The result of this work is the receipt of a qualitatively new type of information (reports, analyzes, the work of control systems and calculations).

Every day people are in the information flow. No matter how messy this information whirl could seem, it is also systematized. We are constantly looking for prices for goods, train tickets, news, training materials. Everything that the science of computer science is studying has densely entered our life.

The development of informatics would have been impossible withoutappearance of computer technology. The process of processing information is almost always the same. With the help of various input devices, information is entered into the computer. Processing it is done with all sorts of software. As a result, a qualitatively new or revised old type of information is obtained.

Thus, we can conclude that computer science is studying the issues of processing information using computers.

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