How many different professions in the world! In the process of technological progress, changes in society, new professions appear, old ones disappear. Let's turn to such a rare profession as a selenologist.

What does the selenologist and selenology study?

Selenology is a whole scientific discipline,which studies the moon from certain aspects of it. Not every specialist who studies the Moon will be called a selenologist. The subject of selenology is the structure, chemical and mineralogical composition of the Moon. The shape of the moon and its relief is another area of ​​knowledge - selenodeziya. However, some sources report that the selenologist studies the moon completely: from its history, to the search for water on it and the observation of anomalous phenomena.

The history of the appearance of science is connected with the beginningthe study of the moon through instruments and artificial and moon satellites. It turns out that selenology originated in the middle of the 20th century. The methods used by selenologists include astrophysical methods, methods of geochemistry and geophysics.

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