The verb is perhaps the most significant independent part of speech, and therefore it is very important to know which questions the verb answers.

So, the verb in Russian is that part of speech that indicates the action performed by the subject and answers the following questions: what to do? what to do?

Verbs come in two forms - perfect andimperfect, and denote, respectively, the degree of completeness of action. Thus, the question of imperfective verbs is what to do, and what is perfect is what to do?

In the structure of the Russian language there are such times: the past, the present and the future, and in accordance with them the questions to verbs will also change.

So, for example, in the past tense in a singlethe number of the verbs makes it possible to distinguish the category of the genus (male, female, and middle), and only there, and in the past tense the verbs answer the questions: what did he do (male genus), what did he do (feminine gender ) ?, what did ?, what did (the middle genus) ?, what did they do (plural)?

In the present tense, the verb can only be distinguished by number and face, and therefore the questions to the verbal forms are as follows:

singular plural
First person What am I doing? What are we doing?
Second person What are you doing? What are you doing?
Third party He, she, it, what does? They do what?

As can be seen from the table, only verbs of imperfect type can be used in the present tense.

And, finally, the tenses of the future tense answer the following questions:

singular plural
First person What will I do? What will I do? What do we do / what shall we do?
Second person What will you do / what will you do? What will you do / what will you do?
Third party He, she, she, what will she do / what will she do? What will they do / what will they do?
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