A pronoun is an independent part of speech,indicating the signs, objects, quantity, but not calling them: "you", "I", "myself," "so much," "your" ... If we talk about the questions the pronoun answers, it's worth noting that the name of this part of the speech speaks for itself.

Thus, pronouns are words thatUsed to replace the proper names. This means that they answer the questions of nouns, adjectives and numerals. For example, the name Basil can be replaced by the pronoun "he". It is easy to guess that both Vasily and "he" answer the same question (who?). This question, as is known, refers to nouns. The same can be said about the names of adjectives and numerals. For example: whose? - "my"; how? - "several".

As you know, a pronoun in a sentence can be any member. So, for example, in the sentence "I want to live in a village" the pronoun "I" is a subject. Let's consider other examples.

"That's her". In this sentence, the pronoun "she" is a predicate.

"Masha is my sister." Here part of the speech "my" is a definition.

"The teacher called him." In this sentence the pronoun "his" is considered a complement.

"How long will it all continue?" In this example, the pronoun "which" is part of the circumstance.

Now you know which questions the pronoun answers and what kind of a member it can be.

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