Can you answer the question: "Who discovered Africa?" Of course, people in Africa have always been, and in general the resettlement of the Earth went from there. But the fact is that for a long time in the world, Eurocentrism was fashionable. This means that the Europeans considered their worldview to be the only true, and the inhabitants of other parts of the world - backward barbarians and savages. Therefore, from the point of view of the European, they "discovered", or rather, conquered Africa, as well as America.

Europeans learned about Africa in the era of "Greatgeographical discoveries, "which lasted from the 15th to the 17th centuries, was associated with the fact that the Europeans were looking for new trade routes, exotic goods and natural resources.Ports began to explore the coast of Africa in 1418. As a result, the expedition Bartolomeu Dias circled the coast of Africa and entered the Indian Ocean in 1488. Since the journeys were very expensive, they could only take place with the help of the royal courts.Prince Henry was patronized in Africa, he also participated in the military expansion of Africa.

The most famous researcher in Africa isDavid Livingstone. He was the first of Europeans who crossed the Kalahari desert, and also started exploring the lake Ngami, opened the lake Dilolo. In 1855, Livingston discovered a waterfall and named it the name of the British Queen Victoria. Livingston also discovered Lake Nyasu and Shirva, conducted a study of the Ruvumu and Tanganyika rivers, opened two large lakes Bangweulu and Mveru in the area of ​​the "Great African Lakes".

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