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How to connect the subwoofer correctly?

To create a complete acoustic system in your car, you should connect the subwoofer correctly. To do this, you need to consistently perform a number of actions.

Connect the subwoofer in the car

  1. First you need to choose the type of subwoofer. The most common are: passive and active. To operate the first one, you will have to buy an additional amplifier. In the second (active) type, the amplifier is already integrated. Details on the types of subwoofers and the choice of one of them you can read in the article of our site How to choose a subwoofer.
  2. When the choice is made, you need to determine the location. Most car enthusiasts have their subwoofers in the trunk.
  3. After determining the location and fixing the saba, you canproceed with the connection. The simplest way is to use the proposed scheme. If you have any questions, you can get more information in the article How to connect a sub.
  4. To reduce the load on the on-board electrical network, a capacitor for the subwoofer is also installed. But this is not a prerequisite.
  5. After carrying out all necessary contacts, adjust the sound. For more information about this procedure, see How to set up a subwoofer. Some motorists just do it by ear.
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