No car enthusiasts, who at least once in their lives do notgot into a situation where the starter of their car or battery stubbornly refused to do their job. And this often happens at an inopportune moment, when you need to urgently go, and there is no time for repairs. Let's talk about how to solve this problem yourself.

How to start a car in difficult conditions?

The most common case of engine failure isstarter failure. How to start a car, if you have a similar misfortune? Of course, you need to close the starter terminals. But before proceeding to the actions on closing the unit, it is necessary to try to find out the cause of the failure of the starter. After all, knowing it, you can try to deal with it yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists.

So, for starter breakdowns you can include:

  • breakage of the starter relay;
  • breakage of the starter retractor;
  • bendix that has become unusable;
  • burned anchor winding.

If you have any of the followingthe above details, you can immediately look for the method of starting the engine yourself. There are few options for such methods, but they operate without fail. It will also be useful to read the article How to start a car in the frost.

How to start a car with a broken starter?

  1. The first most reliable option for starting an engineis the so-called "pusher launch". Ask passers-by or neighbors in the parking lot to push the car. In turn, by turning on the ignition and the first gear, start the engine and press on the gas until it starts. Please note that this method is suitable for a manual transmission. In the case of automatic transmission, starting a car in this way will be much more difficult, since it will take more effort to push. For reference there is a good article. We start the car with a pusher.
  2. The second effective option is towing, i.e., your car takes another car in tow, and you, after driving a distance, start the engine. With this startup, be extremely careful. Note that when the engine starts, the car accelerates and can catch up with the towing vehicle and damage it.
  3. The next variant of starting the engine requiresdriver initial technical training. It consists in closing the starter terminals directly with a screwdriver or a screwdriver. At once it is necessary to notice, that improvised means of a jumper of plugs will help only at breakage of the retracting relay of a starter. To perform this procedure, you must interconnect the power terminals of the retractor relay. But before making jumper terminals, do not forget to put the car on the handbrake, and the gearbox to neutral and turn on the ignition.

How to start a car with a discharged battery?

Consider the reasons for this problem and their solutions. So, the reasons for discharging batteries can be the following:

  1. High energy consumption by third-party energy consumers. In this case, you need to turn off all electronics, including the alarm. If the engine has started, then there is still enough charge in it.
  2. If the previous procedure did not help, thencharge is very little. Then you need to turn off the engine and wait 5-10 minutes. After that, try again to start the engine. A residual charge can last for a minute. Then you need to turn the engine off and repeat the procedure.
  3. With a fully discharged battery,to help the so-called "lighting up". This term means charging from the battery of another machine with the help of special wires with "crocodiles" - metal clips. One end of the wire (red) must be connected to the positive terminals of the car batteries. The other end (black) is connected to the negative terminal of the donor and any metal part of the engine of the recipient machine. In this case, a spark may skip, which is normal. When charging, it is important that the machine does not come into contact.

So we have considered several simple options how to start a car. We also recommend to read the article How to start a car correctly.

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