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How to light a car?

Every car owner at least oncefaced with the problem of starting the car. In such cases, you often have to resort to the method of starting the engine of the car from another machine, with a charged battery. In such situations, many are wondering - how to light a car from a battery?

This process will require the following:

  • Special wires with probes (for connection to the battery of another car);
  • set of wrenches;
  • It is useful to have a skill in lighting up from another car.

In the city limits to find a car for a light- there will not be any special problems. Most drivers are unlikely to refuse to provide this kind of assistance, because no one is immune from getting into the same situation. It will be much more difficult to solve this problem in a deserted place with a small movement. In such situations, you may need to call the tow truck. In such situations, the main thing is not to panic.


Before asking for help, beforehandshould be assessed visually passing by or standing next to cars. A very important fact in choosing a car for lighting is the engine volume. In order to properly lit a car, the capacity of the donor's car battery should be about the same as that of the recipient's car, at the same time not more, and not less than yours.

  1. Having chosen the car, ask its ownerPut your car as close as possible to yours (the distance should be chosen based on the length of the wires for the connection). After carrying out this manipulation, you should open the hood and disconnect the negative terminal on the battery of your car.
  2. Do not drown out the donor car its hood and connect the red wire two positive contacts of the batteries together. Clip the black, minus, wire on the negative terminal of the donor battery. Another crocodile wire, it should be firmly attached to the engine of your car. A spark may skip, but this is not dangerous.
  3. After performing this procedure, turn the keyignition and let the car run for a few minutes in order to enter the normal operating mode. Without stopping the engine, carefully remove the wires. The most correct option would be the simultaneous removal of wires from the terminals of both batteries: first wire with (-), and then wire with (+).

We hope, after reading this material, you learned about how to light a car. Read more information in the article - How to start a car, if the battery has sat down.

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