Sometimes car owners happen to havethey suddenly do not find the passport of the vehicle in the usual place. If this happened, do not panic, you can just try to restore it. So, let's consider whether it is possible to restore the PTS.

Restoring the passport while stealing it

If your vehicle's passport suddenlythe first thing you have to do is find out if he's kidnapped. If the most terrible guesses are confirmed, then first of all you will need to visit the regional department of the ATS and write a statement about it. This does not help you find a passport, but it will limit the movement of scammers in a similar car.

Only after you write the application,you can proceed with how to restore the PTS. For this we need to visit the traffic police department, in which the passport will be restored. With you you need to take a passport, STS and OSAGO policy. If the registration certificate has also been abducted by intruders, it will also have to be restored.

Do not bring your car to the site forinspection in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. But there are also cases when law enforcement officers want to personally check the numbered units. This is necessary in order not to be mistaken in the numerical data when issuing a re-passport of the vehicle. The very process of how to restore a lost PTS, in something similar to setting the car on the record.

You will need to pay the stateduty, the amount of which is 500 rubles, will also have to pay for a duplicate STS, which costs 300 rubles (this certificate automatically becomes invalid after changing the passport).

Retrieval of PTS with loss

Also to the passport it is necessary to attach a certificate,which you received in the police department after filing a statement of embezzlement. But how come if you just lost the PTS? How to recover the PTS with loss? In this case, when writing an application to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate it is necessary to add the phrase "the vehicle's passport was lost in circumstances unknown to me, completely excluding the fact of theft." After submitting such an application, you will receive a new title, only with a "duplicate" mark, as well as a new STS.

In order to restore the passport in case of loss,you will have to repeat the same procedure as restoring the PTS after the theft. However, for this procedure you definitely will not have to drive the car for inspection. And the state fee will be 300 rubles (only for a new STS). State license plates remain the same.

If you need to restore only the STS,then for this you will need a PTS, since all changes are entered in the passport, and in the column called "special notes" there will be an entry stating that a duplicate of the CTC has been issued and its number will be indicated. Pay a receipt for the issuance of a new passport or certificate can be directly on the territory of the traffic police, since there is a special terminal.

So, if you do not know how to restorePTS to the car, the first thing you need to contact the traffic police, because they are the ones who organize the procedure for reissuing the vehicle's passport.

The procedure for issuing a new TCP will not take more thanseveral hours, if it is lost and a few days if it was stolen. In the second case, additional time will be required in order to determine the genuine data indicated on the vehicle parts.

Thus, to restore the passportvehicle, it is necessary to write an application to the traffic police, presenting a passport, MTPL policy, and STS for this car. Together with the passport, the certificate will change. This procedure will cost the car enthusiast 500 rubles of state duty for PTA and 300 rubles of state duty for STS. Now you know how much it costs to restore the PTS.

That's why if you have experienced such a nuisance, do not panic, but follow the directions given in this article. Good luck in the restoration of the PTS!

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