In the life of everyone there are situations wheninattention or any other reason leads to the discharge of the fine by the traffic police officer. In this regard, there is a problem how to find out the penalties of the traffic police? How to find out the debt, if it exists? After all, if you do not take care of this in advance, you may experience unpleasant situations in the future. It is especially important to solve this problem for those who plan to travel abroad. Unpaid fine in time can interfere with your rest!

Previously, the only true way wascontact the employee who issued the penalty. You could, for example, call the traffic police or come to the office in person. It was uncomfortable, because It took a long time. It's easier to find out by phone, but even here your problems: you can not get through, it's impossible to find out about fines without being present directly in the office. You can also find out about the fine from the notification received by mail. Today in many places there are cameras that record violations. Data comes to the traffic police, where they establish the offender and send a letter to his registration address. But what if you did not receive an announcement, but do you need to know about the presence or absence of fines? So how do you find out the unpaid fines of the traffic police with the least expenditure of resources? Today, when the Internet is in almost every home, this problem is solved!

How to find fines traffic police online

On the Internet you can find severalresources that offer services to determine the presence of fines. The most convenient is On this website, the driver is asked to fill in the boxes: car number, driver's license number, vehicle registration certificate number and e-mail address. After filling in all the columns of your e-mail, you will receive a notification about the presence or absence of fines. The resource is easy to use, simple and requires minimum time and effort. The only negative is that you will have to wait a certain amount of time until a notification comes to your email address.

Another good resource is It works in a similar way. However, here the driver is offered to choose from two options: find out the fines by the number of the vehicle or find out by the number of the decision. You also need to fill in a series of graphs. But in this case, there is less to wait for an answer. You will receive it right away, online, after you specify the details of your car.

There is a similar service on the official websiteSTSI in the section "State services" (, where you can also find the necessary information. Unfortunately, the appeal to the official source will require you more time.

Thus, with the help of the Internet you can find out the fines of the traffic police in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Be careful on the roads!

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