Certificate of registration of transportmeans is the main document that confirms your rights to this car. In case of loss of the document, it is urgent to restore it. How to do it, we will now tell.

The first stage is an appeal to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

On the official website of the traffic police find the addressbranch of your district. Come there and write a statement on the form that you will offer a road inspector. In the application, you must provide the following information:

  • brand, model and car number;
  • the reason for the loss of the document (theft, loss, other non-standard situations);
  • At the end of the application, indicate the full name and sign.

Next, you need to give an application to the employee.

The second stage is payment of state duty

To restore the certificate of registration of the vehicle,it is necessary to pay a state fee. Requisites can be found in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and they are also available in public at the stands of Sberbank of Russia. Payment can be made in any bank. You must keep the receipt for payment.

The third stage - execution of documents

After payment of the state duty it is necessary to again come to the traffic police and produce the following documents:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • passport;
  • compulsory insurance policy;
  • the passport of the vehicle.

Fourth stage - car inspection

Now you need to deliver your car toSTSI for inspection. To avoid other unpleasant situations, it is best to do this with the help of a rented tow truck. You can also invite a traffic inspector to the parking lot of your car. However, this can cost you considerably more.

The fifth stage is the receipt of documents

After inspecting the car, the inspector will make sure that you are the owner and will issue you a new certificate of registration of the vehicle. You can leave on the same day on your car.

Thus, it is possible to restore the vehicle registration certificate. also you can be useful to our article. How to restore the PTS.

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