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How to create a server in AIT?

In order to create and then launch your ownServer in Multi Theft Auto, no need to have any huge knowledge. This is quite simple and quick, you must have instructions in front of you, which will be presented below.

To create game servers, you needuse the services of a good Internet provider, as technical problems will arise with a low Internet speed. This is primarily due, of course, to the IP addresses. Let's try to create our server.

Create a server in MTA

  1. Installation The first step is, of course, to install the MTA server itself, if you did not automatically create it when downloading the game itself. It is recommended to check in all paragraphs so as not to miss something important. Advanced users can install only the necessary components.
  2. Customization. After you installed the server, you can go to the folder with your game, by default it is C: ProgramFilesMTASanAndreasservermodsdeathmatch. In this folder you need to find the file in the mtaserver.conf server, you can open it with any text editor, even a regular notepad will do. You will see a file in English.
  3. Adding Admin. After that, you will need to make yourself an administrator on this server, for this, go to the folder: C: Program FilesMTA San Andreasservermodsdeathmatch In this folder you need to find the acl.xml file, also open it using notepad. Opening this file, you will see command lines, each of which is responsible for its action on the server, so at the very end you need to create the line <object name = "user. Your nickname in the game"> </object>
  4. Next, you need to start the server - the MTA Server file.exe, in the folder C: Program FilesMTA San Andreasserver. You will now see a command prompt window and everything that you did earlier will be indicated there. Now you will need to, without closing this file, start the Multi Theft Auto client itself, select the Local tab.
  5. The server is ready to go.

Now you know how to create your own gameserver. If you follow the instructions, then no problems during the creation of the game server will arise. The main thing here is not to make a mistake and clearly follow the proposed instructions.

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