Many gamers of various multiplayer gamesdream of having their own server to play with friends or own a whole server on which other players from around the world will play. This is both difficult and fun, because you can set any rules you want, as well as remove unwanted players from the server. However, creating a server with an admin panel is not as easy as it might seem, so there are not so many unofficial servers from other gamers.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can independently create a CS game server with an admin panel and what programs are needed for this.

How to create a server with the admin of the cop game

KS server with admin can be done in twoways - rent a special host for this for money or make a server on your computer. The first option requires financial investment, which most often scares beginner admins. Therefore, consider the second option:

  1. Download the finished server CS 1.6 V. 3.0 from the Internet. This can be done from this game portal. When installing the program, you must enter the password "".
  2. We go into the program and indicate the path to the game COP 1.6, which you previously installed on the computer in the latest version.
  3. In the Admin tab, specify your ip-address, nicknameor steam number. It’s best to write your own IP address to make it difficult to crack the admin panel. If the ip-address is constantly changing, then you need to register it every time in the settings.
  4. We start the server. To do this, specify the cards, number of players, server port and password. After that, a shortcut will appear on the desktop that needs to be launched and the server will work.
  5. By logging into your own server in the game, you canpress the F10 key and start the admin panel. Now, right in the game, you can control your server. To enter the server in the console, we prescribe your ip-address and port, which you specified in the settings.

Also you can read some of our useful articles on this site:

  • How to register an admin | Server Tuning
  • How to create a wow server
  • How to create a CSS server
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