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How to make a coffee tree?

Want to learn how to make fashionable treeshappiness? Then read about this in our article How to make a topiary. And in this article we will tell you how to make a coffee tree - one of the topiary types.

Tools and materials

To make a coffee tree with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • a packet of roasted coffee beans;
  • A plastic ball, for example, for playing table tennis;
  • a tree branch for the trunk of your topiary (it may not be a branch, but a simple pencil and a tube of the appropriate size);
  • The container in which the tree will be fastened (a jar from under the cream, a cup,
    A coffee tree
    small pots);
  • glue gun;
  • Dry gypsum (about six tablespoons);
  • decor elements: beads, pebbles, bows and other trifles;
  • water;
  • sandpaper;
  • a piece of flat foam;
  • acrylic paints.

Making a coffee tree

The materials are ready, now we will try to make a tree from coffee beans.

  1. In the plastic ball, we make a hole, into which the tree trunk will then be inserted.
  2. Now pour the coffee beans into a wide flat container so that they are more convenient to take. If you take fingers with your fingers, it's not convenient, then use tweezers.
    A coffee tree
  3. We take in one hand a ball, and in another - glutinouspistol. We put a layer of glue on the upper hemisphere of the ball and start attaching coffee beans to it. The very first grain is put on the crown of the future crown, and then in a circle, row after row, we begin to glue the ball with grains. Grains are glued flat to the ball, trying not to leave large gaps between them.
  4. Gluing the upper part of the crown, turn it over andspread the glue of the lower hemisphere. Similarly, we cover the remainder of the crown with the grains. We give the glue "grab" and begin to glue the crown with a second layer of grains. Here it is already possible to have the seeds both flat and convex
    A coffee tree
    side up. It is up to our imagination to determine exactly how to pack them.
  5. While the glued corn crown dries up, we maketrunk. For this, the branch is slightly cleaned with sandpaper so that it becomes smooth. You can also cover the trunk with acrylic paints or decorate with a colored cord, braid or rope.
  6. Prepared the trunk we insert into the hole made in the crown to the stop and fix it from below, pasting a few more seeds near the hole.
  7. We raise dry gypsum with water to the state of thick sour cream. Cut out the foam from the circle around the diameter of the container and insert it into the container.
  8. Now fix in the foam plastic barrel with the crown and fill in the gypsum. We wait until it freezes, and we proceed to decorating.

Decoration of coffee tree

Here specific recommendations are difficult to give. The main thing is to "disguise" the white gypsum in the tank. You can pour on top of it colored pebbles or beads (beads). You can from

A coffee tree
green corrugated paper cut into "grass". You can generally wrap the container with a cloth and make a semblance of a bag, fastening the fabric at the base of the trunk.

The tree can also be decorated. For example, plant an artificial butterfly or a ladybird on it, attach a flower or bow. The flower can also be laid out of beads or made of corrugated paper.

That's all. Your coffee tree is ready! It remains only to find a suitable place for him. If you were able to make a coffee tree yourself, then try to learn other materials and techniques for making trees to decorate the house. For example, read another our article How to make a tree of happiness.

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