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What can I do for my mom on my birthday?

Many mistakenly think that only boughtgifts can bring joy, but for mom the best gift is a surprise made by own hands. The article describes various options for what you can do to your mom yourself.


Postcard - the original attribute of any gift. With your own hands, you can make a paper postcard, or you can create an original video congratulation.

Postcard from paper

A paper postcard is very easy to make. To do this, you need to select the appropriate

a sheet of cardboard, draw a picture on it or decorate with flowers or beautiful figures. In the middle, you can paste a photo and write a congratulation in a free style.

Congratulatory poster

A poster, decorated with photos, wishes and words of gratitude, can also act as a kind of postcard. It can be hung on the wall, and all guests will be able to appreciate your work.

Video card

If you want to surprise your mom with an unusualgift, make a beautiful video from your joint photos, add congratulatory words, words of gratitude and poems. You can make a video card using Movavi or Windows Movie Maker.


If you want to congratulate your mother on her birthday, you can make flowers yourself.

Paper flowers - origami

Unlike live, paper flowers will please the eye a long time. Flowers such

type can be made from paper of different density. Of thinner paper, you can make chamomile or roses, and from denser - lilies.

Paintings with flowers

Flowers for paintings can also be made from paper, and you can take dried flowers and create a picture that should simply be hung on the wall or beautifully decorated with a frame.

Flowers from sweets

Not so long ago, people began to replace the ordinary flowersbouquets from various sweets. The technology of creating such colors is similar to the production of flowers from paper, only in the middle of the bud hides candy and instead of the sheets also use candies of the appropriate color. After all the sweets are eaten, the paper flowers will remind you of the original gift.


Bead tree


If you have skills in working with beads, you can make an original tree. If there is time, you can make a large tree in colors.

A coffee tree

Make a coffee tree with your own hands is not verycomplicated. To do this, you need to pick up a small plastic ball, put it on a stick wrapped in a string. Then it is necessary to glue the ball with coffee beans.



Embroidered on a fabric photo or simply beautiful drawing is a good gift, which will be remembered for a long time by your mother. Moreover, it can be issued in the form of a picture.

Drawings can be embroidered not only with special threads, but also adding beads and various beads.

To prepare a gift you need to approach responsibly. Find out what to give mom for her birthday, you can in the article What to give to my mother for a birthday tribute.

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