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How to make a rose from beads?

The rose from beads looks effectively and elegantly, and the manufacturing process itself is quite interesting. It should be noted that the rose can be made not only from beads, but also from ribbons or from fabric.

Making roses from beads

Carefully study this master class of making roses from beads and you will be able to create a unique product. For one flower you will need:

  • 30 m of bord wire, diameter 0.4 mm;
  • 4 m of gold wire, diameter 0.4 mm;
  • 90 cm of aluminum wire, diameter 4 mm;
  • 150 g of bordeaux cutting No. 10;
  • 30 g of gold beads № 11;
  • yellow sewing thread;
  • clear acrylic adhesive.

Do not skimp on buying beads, since cheap beads are uneven in size and shape, which makes the finished product sloppy.


The rose will consist of five layers of petals. For work, use burgundy wire and chopping. After all the necessary material is ready, we begin to weave a rose from the beads.

  1. For the first layer of petals we will usetwo pieces of wire: working and axial. Measure out 10 cm of wire. This will be our axis. Put 1-2 m beads on the working wire. Do not cut it off the reel.
    Rose from beads
    Leave the top end of the axle wire 4 cm and wrap the free end around it.
  2. At the top end of the axial wire, dial 5 beads. This will be the middle of the petal.
  3. Now start tightly wrapping the middle with a working wire. Each time, crossing the axis at a right angle, make one turn around it. Your petal should consist of 5 arcs on each side.
  4. The upper end of the axis is short cut and gently tucked in the direction of the future reverse side, and the bottom bend to the left at a right angle.
  5. Slightly bend the petal perpendicular to the core.
  6. Make three such petals and form a bud, putting them one in the other.
    Rose from beads
  7. Attach the bud with yellow threads to the aluminum wire. Its length should correspond to the desired size of the stem.
  8. For the second layer, you need 3 petals. They are almost the same as the first layer, but they consist of 9 arcs. The difference is that from the end of the axial wire it is necessary to retreat 5 cm, and cross it at an acute angle. So your petals will acquire a sharp shape. There is one more feature. The first four rows are braided in such a way that the working wire wraps the axial from above (the front row), and the last five - from the bottom (purl).
  9. Bend the petal parallel to the axis and slightly bend the upper tip.
  10. One by one, overlapping, we pull the petals to our bud. Do this so that the ends of the petals of the second layer are higher than the first.
  11. Flatter third tier of petals. We follow the same rules as in paragraphs
    Rose from beads
    8-10. But the working wire is tied, retreating 6 cm from the upper end. For the middle we type 4 beads and make 5 facial and 5 purl arches.
  12. For the fourth row you will needmake 4 petals. They are twisted on two axes, on the right one you need to type one bead, on the left - two. From the top end of the axes it will be necessary to retreat 7 cm. The rest of the technique is the same as for the petals of the second and third tiers, but after each circle add one bead to the axial wires. In total, 8 face-to-face tours and 5 purlins should be obtained.
  13. The fifth row will consist of 4 petals, eachfrom which it trains on 3 axes. To begin with, we select three beads on the left wire, two on the middle wire, and one on the right one. We retreat from the upper ends of the axes 8 cm and begin to create 15 circles of 8 face and purl, after each round adding on the axis of one bead. After 3-4 rounds, cut the lower end of one of the axes.

Tip: to keep the petals better on the stem, drip a bit of acrylic glue into the place of their attachment.

Manufacture of sepals and leaves

We proceed to manufacture sepals. For them you will need a gold wire and a similar color beads.

  1. On the axial wire (10 cm), we collect 6 cm of beads. For sepals, the rule will apply: all the upper rows must be purl, and the lower ones - facial.
  2. Do around the middle one tour the way we dothis was done in the manufacture of petals. Now reduce the number of beads on the working wire by 1 cm. After this, it is necessary to cut off the working wire from
    Rose from beads
    coils. The remaining free end is 25 cm.
  3. Pass the end of the working wire between the axis and the arc so that it fits snugly against it.
  4. Wind the wire around the arc, thereby returningher on the outside. String the beads on the work wire and wrap it around the axis, making an arc. Similarly do the opposite part of the sepals.
  5. One rose requires 5 sepals. Each of them bend so that it repeats the outline of the outer petals. Alternately, reattach them to the stem with yellow threads.
  6. In the same way, you can make several leaves and attach them to the stem. At the very end we wind the stalk with yellow threads.

This scheme will help you make a beautiful rose from beads.

Now you know how to make a rose from a bead. This flower can also be made of paper or of corrugated paper.

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