The film "Alien" was directed by Ridley Scott. Probably, almost everyone saw this movie. The film is sci-fi and can rightly be called a classic among horror films. If someone forgot, then according to the plot, an aggressive alien creature traces, and then begins to kill the crew of one spacecraft. In this article, we will describe how to shoot "Alien", which premiered in America on May 25, 1979.


  • Layout of the film according to the episodes. After getting acquainted with this layout, which made Ridley Scott, the company 20th Century Fox increased the budget of the film by 2 times.
  • The naturalness of the characters. The director was able to achieve the naturalness of all the characters, because he allowed the actors to improvise during the dialogues.
  • Mask for someone else's. To make the face of the mask used a real human skull.
  • The head of someone else's (animatorial) was created by a master named Carlo Rambaldi.
  • Suits for someone else. For the shooting were made 2 suits, as well as a model of someone else's. One of the suits was filmed by Masai Boladji Badegio, whose height is 2 m, in the second - stuntman Eddie Powell.
  • The idea of ​​making a stranger transparent or even semi-transparent was rejected.
  • A scene where Kane's chest comes out of someone else's, notwas described to the actors. It is because of this that it turned out to be very real. For example, Veronica Cartwright had no idea that at that moment her blood would bleed, so her reaction was arbitrary. This scene was taken from the first take with the help of four cameras.
  • The film was reported to have a tragic ending. According to rumors, a stranger had to kill Ripley, and then take the pilot's seat and start calling Earth in her voice.
  • The first edited version of the film was 3 hours and 12 minutes.
  • Decoration of the ship's bridge was small. Therefore, to create a huge scale in these scenes took part the children of the director.
  • Models of the ship were made of plastic,plexiglass and wood. For details of "Nostromo" used the details of the sets of tanks and bombers of the Second World War. 200 sets, which are used by modeling enthusiasts, were used to create space shuttles, 20 sets of TIE fighters and 20 sets of R2-D2 models were also involved.
  • Manufacturing of "Nostromo". As a result, 3 variants of the ship were manufactured. The average model, whose length was 1.2 m, was used for general and medium plans. For the rear view and for comparison with the scale of the plant, a model 30 cm long was used. And for the departure and landing scenes, the largest model was designed - approximately 4 m in length.
  • Destruction of the robot. Eshu tore off his head, for this involved a dwarf, who was dressed in a torso with a special head. When the head was torn off, the dwarf puppeteer ran in front of the camera, moving his hands. The scene with the head of the robot Asha, which lies on the table, was filmed with the participation of actor Ian Holm. His head was "soldered" into the table, before shooting, when the head of the robot had to say something, the director poured the actor into the mouth of milk, which was supposed to flow out of his mouth. The internals of the robot consisted of macaroni, milk, instead of blood, caviar and marble balls.
  • Four cats took part in the film, instead of one. The scene of the movie, where the cat starts to hiss when he sees behind someone else's Harry's back, was taken with the help of a dog that was shown to the cat, removing the partition.

Now you know how to shoot "Alien", as well as interesting facts about the filming of this famous horror film. In the filming, there was nothing supernatural or abnormal.

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