In the popular game Minecraft there was a world withthe name "End". Sometimes this world is called Ender. After the release of the game was released, the main boss of the entire game world appeared - the dragon. The question arises, what is the end and how to grow a dragon? The main oddity of the world is that once you get into it, it's not so easy to find a way out.

Portal in Ender

After the character passes the portal, hewill be on the obsidian platform. The platform is above the abyss. In order to get to the island you need to carry a large number of building materials. It is also necessary to prepare in advance for the battle with the dragon. You need a lot of food, arrows, as well as excellent armor and a diamond sword. It is best if every thing is enchanted. Strangely enough, but to find a way out you have to kill the dragon. The same armor will be required in how to grow a dragon in Minecraft.

There are obsidian pillars on the islanddifferent heights. Each pillar holds the source of the dragon's life. After the dragon flies over one of these pillars, the vital energy returns to him. Therefore, before entering into battle with the dragon, it is necessary to destroy all the pillars. After the destruction of the pillar, an explosion occurs, so it is better to strike from a distance with the help of a bow. It is best if the dragon is next to the explosion.

Dragon at sight

After each life pillar will bedestroyed, you can proceed to attack the dragon. The movements of the dragon are rather chaotic. Sometimes he flies over the player. Hiding from the dragon is not worth it, because for him there are no barriers. When a dragon flies over you, you must attack it with a sword or bow. Do not forget about the Endermen. They do not like it if you hook them. When the life of the dragon ends, he dies. Watching the death of the boss is interesting. The player who killed the dragon will gain a lot of experience.

After the death of the dragon in the place of his deaththere is a portal home. In the center of the portal is the egg of the dragon. In how to grow a dragon, you can not do without it. This egg is needed to summon a tame dragon. In order to cause it, you must press the PCM on the egg. The egg can grow, but for this, the Dragon Mod mod is needed.

How it works

Egg does not work in maincraft. How to grow a dragon can be understood only by installing the Dragon Mod mod. To grow eggs, you need a warm place, which you need to find yourself. After such a place is found, you need to click on the egg PKM. He needs the energy of light and heat, otherwise it is impossible to grow an egg of a dragon. After the appearance of the dragon, it must be fed with raw fish. The pet will follow you, and protect you. You can give commands to the dragon with the help of a bone. In order to use the dragon as a mount, mount it. To eliminate the wounds of the dragon, it is necessary to feed it with raw fish or other meat. In order for control to be the best, put a dragon on the saddle.

The pet can be controlled using the keyboard: Move forward - W, move backwards - S, move left - A, move to the right - D. You can fly by using a space, go down with the Shift button.

Dragon is an excellent defender who will protect the ownerfrom monsters, but sometimes he suffers from such monsters and gets injured. To restore it you need to feed it. If the dragon gets in the way, it can be seated, as well as another pet (for example, a wolf or a cat), giving him a bone. Having established the necessary mode and having studied how to grow a dragon in maynkraft, you can continue to play with even more interest.

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