Here, sometimes, you watch different programs, whereinterior of houses, their design and design are professional designers. All this is so beautiful, and it seems that it is simply impossible to carry out certain moments due to your own financial situation. But if you have a great desire to make your room unusual, you do not have to redo the whole repair, sometimes only a small picture made with your own hands will be enough. This will not significantly affect the state of your wallet. After all, the picture can be made from any improvised materials, it would be your desire.

How to draw a picture quickly

Combining different materials and textures while playingcolors and their shades, you can achieve unexpectedly pleasant and interesting effects. Working on such a project will cause you a lot of positive emotions, you will not even have time to notice how quickly time passes, and your wall in the room will already be decorated with a picture made by your hands.

Make a picture with your own hands you canalmost from anything. This all will depend on your imagination and your skills, ideas. To begin with, you will need to decide in which direction you will make a picture and prepare all the necessary materials for this, various pictures and templates that will be your guide. And then everything depends on your fantasies and abilities.

Kitchen is the place where a woman spendsmost of the time. Ladies love not only when everything is practical in the kitchen, but so it was beautiful. But it's hard to decorate the kitchen, it's such a place where smoke, gas, steam constantly turn on and everything becomes fat in the course of time. But you can make such an ornament that will endure all this.

How to make a picture of yourself for the kitchen

It is easy to make such a picture, even for those who are just starting their way of the needlewoman.

Making such paintings will require:

  • Cardboard
  • Silicone gun or PVA glue
  • Grains of coffee, cinnamon and coryza
  • Sweet peppercorns, bay leaf and beans
  • Seeds, macaroni and any cereals

We make the canvas. Cut out a cardboard box or a square. It depends on the shape of the picture you want. Circle the resulting workpiece on a cloth or burlap, make a pass of 4-6 cm and cut. After you put the cardboard on the burlap and carefully, so that there are no thickening in the corners, cut the corners of the fabric. Make sure that the burlap is tight, or it will lag behind because of the severity of the spices.

Draw the picture on the picture. On the resulting blank, arrange the grains, cereals, leaves, spices, design and make a picture of them. You can put it all tightly, in the form of a mosaic or geometric shapes. It all depends on your imagination.

When you decided and laid out the pattern, nowalternately glue each element of your picture. It is best to use a silicone gun, as the PVA dries longer and not so firmly adheres the elements to the fabric.

In principle, that's all. The picture is ready. By your own will you can make a frame, you can add a cotton braid. It all depends on your idea.


And yet our designers do not sleep. Every day there are some new ideas, a combination of colors and shapes. Each of us wants to make a house with original and tasteful design. Recently, the design of the interior with the help of so called modular paintings is gaining a lot of popularity. These are simple pictures that are made up of segments. Due to them, any room will acquire sophistication, modernity, scale, and of course originality. Modular pictures connect one theme, and thus, creates the illusion of the transition of one segment to another. Naturally, such pictures will not cost cheap. But it is possible to make modular paintings with your own hands. After all, the most banal picture or simple printed poster can be cut into parts - modules, and this will already turn into something alive, completely new. Such a picture instantly turns any interior into a trendy and modern.

For all this you need just a great desire and give vent to your own imagination. Do not be afraid to experiment and put your ideas into reality!

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