Anyone who engages in embroidery or drawing,know that in order for your work to become a picture, it must be beautifully designed. Only in this case it will get a finished look and will be able to decorate the interior.

How to draw a picture: tips

  • The picture, painted on canvas, is framed in a frame, pulling the canvas on the stretcher.
  • A drawing or watercolor is glued to a larger sheet and inserted into a frame under the glass.
  • To decorate the embroidery use a frame, passepartout and glass. The embroidery is glued with double-sided adhesive tape to the cardboard substrate of the frame.

Decoration of paintings in a baguette

Usually, the pictures are framed. For this, you can contact the Framing Workshop. There you will pick up a baguette, make a frame and even complete the picture. But it will not be cheap. Therefore, part of the work can be undertaken.

The frame can be bought ready or ordered inworkshop. It is better to order, because in this case the frame will exactly match the size you need. In addition, it can be selected according to the color and texture of the baguette itself.

How to decorate an embroidered picture

For an embroidered picture it is worth using a mat -an additional frame made of colored cardboard that fits between the embroidery and the frame. Passport gives the embroidery depth and a more finished look. In addition, it is necessary, if you could not find the right size frame and had to buy a little more.

You can make a passport yourself. However, in the baguette workshop it is made of thick cardboard, cutting it at an angle of 45, which at home can not be done. Therefore, it is also better to order a passport in a framing workshop together with a frame.

When decorating embroidered pictures you can useglass or decor without it. However, it is very difficult to take care of the embroidered glass without glass. Therefore, it is better to stay on the option with glass. Glass can be ordinary or anti-reflective. Anti-reflective is preferable, but it slightly obscures the embroidery and is not suitable for works, aged in dark tones.

Arrangement of a picture in a frame

To arrange the embroidery in the frame, it is goodto iron the embroidery, to remove the glass from the frame, to put the embroidery on the cardboard-substrate. Carefully center the work and pin it with pins to the cardboard. Then, split off half of the embroidery, wrap it and paste a strip of double-sided scotch on the substrate. Glue the embroidery to it and check the placement. So, by gluing strips of scotch, you need to fix all the embroidery. Then insert the glass, mat and embroidery into the frame.

How to decorate a picture unusually

  • The work can be done with two glassesof the same size. To do this, tighten the work between the two panes and tie the glasses with string or braid so that the glass is fixed. However, this design is suitable only for small works. At the same time, make sure that the string, on which the work is suspended, has withstood the weight of the glasses.
  • It is very easy and simple to make embroidery withusing a frame hoop. In it, you need to tighten the embroidery and tighten it with a screw. And then carefully fix the edges of the embroidery from behind and hang it on the wall for a loop or hook.
  • A small embroidery can be made and generally withoutframework, replacing it with a number of beads. To do this, you need a piece of cardboard the same size as the embroidery. Embroidery should be pasted onto cardboard, the edges tucked back and fixed, and along the edge sew large beads, which will serve as an improvised frame for your work.

How to decorate a picture

You can also decorate the picture with the help ofvarious accessories - ornamental butterflies and dragonflies, shells, sea stars, decorative pebbles, etc. All this can be fixed on the frame or on the embroidery, if it is not covered with glass. Just do not forget that there should not be a lot of additional decor, so as not to distract attention from the picture itself.

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