In games that require an Internet connection, eitherserver, an important role is played by the speed of the server, as well as the speed of its response to the actions of the player. In such cases, too much ping can cause serious trouble, disrupting the entire gameplay. One of the most common questions players have is how to lower the ping in CSS, because this game, like no other, requires a quick reaction.

What is ping

Ping refers to the time that is spent on something,To transfer the request from the client to the server and back. Measure ping in milliseconds (1/1000 seconds). Simply put, ping is the response time of the server to a particular request.

In Counter-Strike ping is often called latency or latency (from English "Latency").

In the game, you can see the ping by opening "Statistics"killing of death "(Score). To access this menu, press the TAB key. During the game, you can see your ping by opening this menu and looking at the line with your nickname. The "Latency" column will display your ping.

To view your ping without running the game itself, start the game and go to the "Findservers" menu. The value you need will be in the "Ping" column.

If you want, you can check the ping toa certain game server, not launching the game itself. For this, in Windows there are standard tools that do not require a preinstallation, since they are by default in the operating system. This method gives the most accurate result.

To test the ping to the server, you need to know its IP address or host address. To check it, go to "Start - Run" and enter one of two commands in the appeared window:

  • Ping (instead of zeros, put the IP address of the server)
  • Ping x.x.x (instead of x, insert the server host address)

If it turns out that the received values ​​are too large, you need to think about how to lower the ping in kc for a more comfortable game.

Improving the Internet channel

Lower ping can be in many ways, and inin different situations they can give completely different results. We recommend that you try whenever possible and choose the best one for you. It may be effective to apply several methods at the same time.

The simplest answer to the question is how to lower the ping- improve the Internet channel. Usually users with Dial-up connection (via modem) or satellite Internet experience significant problems with ping. If you have the option, change your ISP to connect to the Internet using ADSL or a LAN connection. Dial-up connection at best gives a ping of about 200 milliseconds, while other methods of connection allow to reduce this number by dozens of times.

Fewer routers

In fact, the whole Internet works on intermediaterouters, that is, servers. They are responsible for transferring data between different parts of the networks. Logically, the more of them between you and the game server, the longer the signal will be transmitted and the more ping will be. That's why you need to think about reducing the number of routers to solve such a problem as to lower the ping in CS.

First, you need to check how many routers lie on the path between you and the game server. To do this, you need to use the standard tools of your operating system.

Go to the "Start - Programs - Accessories - MS Dos Command Prompt" menu. You will see a command line in which you need to enter a command

Tracert (instead of zeros write the IP address of your server or its host address)

As a result, you will see the number of intermediaterouters. To improve the gameplay, try to find a server with fewer routers - most likely, it will help you reduce the ping.

Reduce the distance to the server

This advice is similar in many respects to the previous one, but allBut there is a difference. It is advisable to choose those game servers that are as close as possible to the Internet provider whose services you use. Ideally, the game server must be located in your city, your country or at least in the nearest country.

For players from Russia, this is not a problem, since there is one system of traffic exchange in the country and any Russian game server will work fine.

For Ukrainian players this is an important task,since in Ukraine there are two different traffic exchange networks. At the same time, which is very strange, they are not connected with each other. Traffic from one network to another goes through German servers, so ping is very large. That's why Ukrainian players need to look for the nearest server, which, in addition, uses the same traffic exchange network as their Internet provider.

Connection speed

As a matter of fact speed of Internet connection does not renderinfluence on ping, as these two concepts are simply not connected. However, if for any reason the speed of your connection does not exceed 32kbps, then it's not strange if you have problems with ping.

Fortunately, today most people have accessto a faster Internet, so there should not be such a problem. In any case, a connection with a normal speed allows you to create the most comfortable settings for the game, which we'll talk about in the next part of the article.

Optimization of network game settings

It is possible to significantly affect the quality of the game,optimizing the network settings of your game. Talking about network settings can be a long time, but we suggest you consider only those that you need in Counter Strike.

There are three main commands that you will need to optimally configure. These include:

  • Rate - With this command you can set how much information in bytes will be transmitted in one second.
  • Cl_updaterate - with this command youset the number of packets received from the server by the client. To determine the size of one received packet in bytes, you need to divide the rate by the given number.
  • Cl_cmdrate - this command allows you toSet how many network packets will be sent to the server from your computer, that is, the blade. To determine the size of one packet sent in bytes, you must divide cl_rate by the specified number.
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