Alexey Dolmatov better known as Guf -became almost a legendary rap singer, co-founder and former member of the CENTR group. However, for someone, the name of Guf became known only after constant exclamations about his death. Versions about the causes of death rapper here of course the sea: an overdose of drugs, a car accident and even contract killing, supposedly the death of Guf - a professional sniper. But why is Guf really dead? What happened to the legendary rap singer? And did something happen at all?

Guf: died or not

From simple life observations, you can alreadyto notice that it is not uncommon to become famous only after death. Well, yes, he has a talent for himself, like a well-known one, he has his fans and fans, but suddenly he died ... TV, radio, frantic sobs of fans start talking about this. Information comes to the ignorant, it becomes interesting what it is that mourns him. The information spreads, more and more people are interested in the mysterious hero. And the hero is becoming more popular.

You look so, and not a bad PR move, by the way. So Guf also worked. Why is Guf dead? He did not die, everything is fine with him, it's only rumors. And they began after the explosion at the airport Domodedovo. Newspapers began to gleam information about the death of the rapper. What is this: someone's banter or a PR move, conceived by the manager of the singer? The story is silent about this.

Press-manager of the CENTR group personally denied rumors about the death of Guf, adding that everything is in order with the performer.

But as always happens. Guf did not die - this is uninteresting and boring, but the dead Guf is a topic for discussion. And even the statements of the Guf himself can not be saved. Such information captures like an avalanche.

The lion's share of Guf's fans are teenagers. Imagine the speed of distribution of information about the death of your favorite artist among vulnerable teenagers! Links on the Internet are sent to each other and the rest to sympathize, support, register on a pile of spam sites "in memory of Guf." And Guf in the meantime is glorified ... being alive, of course.

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